Should have includes the url
"Martin Field" > wrote in message
> "enoavidh" > wrote in message
> 0...
>> Haha!
>> O_o
>> d.
>> --
>> I didn't write it, but you can find the FAQ he
> Reports in the news today suggest that the enjoyment of certain wine
> varietals can be enhanced while listening to different styles of music.
> See, for example, Why wine tastes better with music, and, Music can
> enhance wine taste.
> Examples include matches such as cabernet sauvignon with Jimi Hendrix;
> chardonnay with Blondie; merlot with Otis Redding and music by classical
> composers such as Orff and Tchaikovsky.
> There is of course an enormous cultural bias inherent in this kind of
> research.
> If you are a wine drinker whose tastes run to the blues, rock 'n roll and
> bluegrass a glass of good red is hardly going to taste better while
> listening to Carmina Burana.
> Similarly,if you have been acculturated to prefer western classical music
> or opera, a glass of chablis might taste a tad sharpish while Jimi's
> Voodoo Chile is blasting way at volume 11 on the stereo.
> One can only imagine what wines you would match with the music of Celine
> Dion, Ravi Shankar, Karlheinz Stockhausen or 'J-Lo'.
> Cheers!
> Martin