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meeleend meeleend is offline
Posts: 4

Originally Posted by View Post
On May 12, 10:25 pm, meeleend wrote:
Chicken soup is a popular way to use chicken. The type of chicken used
to make soup makes a difference in how it will come out. If you are
buying the chicken specifically for soup, choose a kosher pullet (which
is a young female chicken that is old enough to lay eggs). Kosher
pullets are raised in a free-range environment and eat natural
vegetation and insects. If a kosher pullet is not available, select a
soup chicken, which are usually older, female birds. The meat might be
tougher than a younger chicken, but it has more flavor. Cook the
chicken whole first before cutting it into pieces. This process will
take longer to cook, but the chicken will release more flavor into the


This information is interesting but I live in Australia and have never
seen a kosher pullet or the gender of chickens shown on the
packaging. Do you have any suggestions for the best type of chicken
to use in Australia?

You have suggestion for the best type of chicken to use in Australia?
then go to this site.....