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Goomba38 Goomba38 is offline
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Default New York Times -- Excess consumption by Americans said to causefood shortages

Giusi wrote:

> Give me one reason why you should throw away food grown using finite
> resources such as petroleum and thus put food out of the reach of any other
> human being who is willing to work for his food?
> India may have some rich people, but they do not have the richest on the
> planet. They have plenty of poor, too. The point is not India, but
> everybody who will shortly not be able to eat properly to support good
> health, in every country including yours, because of waste. It isn't just
> the USA, either. It was written that one-third of food in the UK was thrown
> away, too.

Hunger has always existed. It isn't something new.
Over population, drought and many other uncontrollable factors as well
as governmental corruption HAS done more to encourage famine and death
than my tossing out my browned lettuce leaves (which actually go into
the composter). You're an American, Guisi....what are you doing to fix
the problem? What are the Italian's doing?