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Sqwertz Sqwertz is offline
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Default New York Times -- Excess consumption by Americans said to cause food shortages

Giusi > wrote:

> "Sqwertz" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> ...
>> Giusi > wrote:
>>> "Sqwertz" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>> ...
>>>> Steve Pope > wrote:
>>>>> Pradeep S. Mehta, secretary general of the center for
>>>>> international trade, economics and the environment of
>>>>> CUTS International, an independent research institute
>>>>> based here, said that if Americans slimmed down to the
>>>>> weight of middle-class Indians, many hungry people in
>>>>> sub-Saharan Africa would find food on their plates.
>>>> **** 'em. If they want to come over here and dig through our
>>>> garbage for the scraps, then let them. Otherwise their food
>>>> problems are their own problems.
>>> This is a stereotypical American statement and is the perfect expression
>>> of
>>> what is known as the Ugly American these days. It is also immoral even
>>> to
>>> non-religious.

>> What are the Italians doing to help India and North Africa? A hell
>> of a lot less than the U.S. is doing, that's for sure.
>> Now kindly **** off.

> You haven't a clue what you are talking about and you won't get one either
> as long as you keep your head in it's jingoistic position and don't pay
> attention to anything but rah rah "we're the greatest" fake news.

Ahh, more of the anti-American sentiment. The only patriotic
feelings I have are negative. And they mostly have to do with
allowing the outsourcing many of our jobs to India.

But I'll take your evasion of the question and your atypical
responses as a babbling surrender of the fact.
