New York Times -- Excess consumption by Americans said to cause food shortages
On Thu, 15 May 2008 08:55:50 -0400, Goomba38 >
>Giusi wrote:
>> Of course they don't, and they do not out of hand hate Americans, either.
>> What they decry is arrogance, insensitivity and lack of understanding of the
>> basic laws of nature. The more people say **** 'em about dying populations,
>> the more there is to resent.
>> I think some here should look up generosity indexes that tell per person of
>> population figures. You might be surprised-- or I might.
>No, it wouldn't surprise me at all. Having lived in Europe I recall
>generosity and the per capita figures are quite high <higher than the US
>in some ways> yet then I also recall areas of total lack of individual
>as well as organizational financial support (such as towards cancer
>research... nothing like the American Cancer Society there)
>Which dying population are "we" saying "****'em" about, again??
i think pretty much all of them.
your pal,