Serving Sizes (Was: Peculiar size)
On Thu 15 May 2008 01:17:58p, Pete C. told us...
> Ms P wrote:
>> "kilikini" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > jmcquown wrote:
>> >> Pete C. wrote:
>> >>> jmcquown wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> What says "serves 4" means serves 2, at least in my world. My
>> >>>> serving size isn't generally 5 tablespoonfuls of whatever.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Wouldn't it be funny if they started marking vegetables this way?
>> >>>> Oh no, sorry, that big honkin' baked potato serves 4!
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Jill
>> >>>
>> >>> Yea, I seem to recall that the government standard bagel is about
>> >>> 1/6 the size of what anyone would consider a normal bagel (in the
>> >>> US at least).
>> >>
>> >> God forbid I should eat an entire biscuit, then! LOL
>> >
>> > Oh, no, you must only have half and dunk it into a thimble-sized
>> > rameken of soup. :~)
>> >
>> > kili
>> Why do people think that you can only have one serving of anything and
>> that serving must be however much they want to put on their plate?
>> It's no wonder people in this country are getting so fat.
>> A biscuit is probably two servings of bread. A bowl of soup is
>> probably two servings. You are ALLOWED to have more than ONE
>> serving!!!
>> Ms P
> I'm also allowed to define what I consider a serving, and tell the
> government and other serving size nazis to **** off.
hehehe! I'm wit ya!
Wayne Boatwright
Thursday, 05(V)/15(XV)/08(MMVIII)
Countdown till Memorial Day
1wks 3dys 10hrs 30mins
It's always easier to just fall than
to try to climb.