Mark Thorson wrote:
> Blinky the Shark wrote:
>> Mark Thorson wrote:
>> > Blinky the Shark wrote:
>> >>
>> >> cybercat wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > The Fresh Market has bear bottles you can fill with
>> >> > bulk clover, orange, or other honey.
>> >>
>> >> So they're probably bare bear bottles as well...
>> >
>> > Back when I was a beekeeper, the beekeeping supply
>> > companies (A. I. Root and Dadant) offered bear-shaped
>> > plastic bottles for honey.
>> I don't think I've ever known anyone who's kept bees.
> Not many bees in the ocean, I'll grant you.
> Which raises the question, why is there no aquatic
> equivalent of bees? The closest thing are fish that
> school, but they don't build hives, don't sting,
> and don't make honey. If it makes sense for bees
> to do all of that, why are there no fish species
> that do that?
We're waiting for sea plants with pollen.
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