Classic Tiramisu
BOB wrote:
> Twinkiemisu
> ===========
> Box of Hostess Twinkies
> 1/2 Cup strong coffee, cooled & sweetened
> 1/4 Cup Kahlua (optional)
> 1/2 gal coffee or coffee & chocolate ice cream
> Chocolate shavings or sprinkles
> .
> Slice Twinkies in half lengthwise. Spray 9 x 5 loaf pan with cooking
> spray. Put 5 Twinkie halves, cream side up, side by side in pan. Mix
> coffee and Kahlua (optional); with pastry brush, apply liberally to cut
> side of Twinkies. Spoon about a 1/2 inch layer of softened ice cream over
> Twinkies.
> Repeat until you have used enough Twinkies & ice cream to fill the loaf
> pan. Cover tightly with foil and freeze several hours or overnight. This
> can be served from the pan in slices or unmolded, garnished with the
> chocolate and served. Serves about 10.
HAH! I just recited a similar improvised recipe to a couple coworkers of
mine, though I used Jack Daniels instead of Kahlua and Cool Whip instead of
ice cream. I called it "Tara Missoula."