Copper River Salmon Season
On May 16, 9:12*am, merryb > wrote:
> It's that time of the year again! I guess the weather affected the
> catch yesterday, so instead of the 150,000 pounds they were hoping to
> bring in, it was only 20,000. Are you ready to pay 35 dollars a pound?
> There goes your economic stimulus check!! I think it's is
> very nice fish, but it just ain't worth that kind of money. Hopefully
> in a few weeks, the price will go down like it usually does. Anyone
> here willing to pay that kind of money?
The weather was bad on the first day of fishing, acc. to the Fairbanks
News Miner, which says they'll catch up later. No indication, at
least yet, that the actual fish population is smaller.
I bought Copper River sockeye fillets, frozen on site, from TJs a
couple of weeks ago for $7.99/lb. Delicious. Not as great as king,
not as great as fresh, but still delicious.
TJs has become a good place for salmon because they stock both fresh
and frozen, and because when it's farm-raised it's very plainly marked
so you can skip it. Pricing seems competitive to me. -aem