Andy wrote:
> jmcquown said...
>> cshenk wrote:
>>> "jmcquown" wrote
>>>> Serving sizes are probably regulated by someone, somehow, for some
>>>> obscure reason. It always kills me to see what you describe. Like
>>>> what, you're going to feed two adults and a small child from that
>>>> can of soup?
>>> I think their aim on soups is usually that you serve them also with a
>>> samwich or largish salad, hence less per person.
>> I have no idea what their "aim" is when it comes to canned soup. I
>> generally only order a "cup" of soup (in lieu of salad) at a restaurant.
>> If I order a bowl of soup that's the meal.
>> Jill
> Lightweight!!!
> I'll eat Pea Soup Andersen's bottomless split pea soup in Buelton, CA and a
> tri-tip steak sandwich until the... ??? peas come home?
Finally made it to Andersen's a couple years ago on a little long-weekend
outing to the SLO area. Mmmmmm...pea soup with all those fixings!
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