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Sqwertz Sqwertz is offline
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Default Cutting boards & storage?

David Scheidt > wrote:

> Sqwertz > wrote:
>:You really only need 3 cutting boards for every day use. Store the
>:rest in a cupboard.
> I use a letter holder thingy (I think it's for file folders,
> actually). It works fine, but it does take up a bit of counter space.
> It's out of the way, so that doesn't bother me. I can use a whole lot
> more than three cutting boards in a flurry of prep work. It's a whole
> lot faster to use another than it is to wash one.

Not me. I'm pretty anal about cleaning up as much as possible when
I cook (I doubt have much counter space to begin with).

I never use more than one cutting board during cooking, though I may
use a different one at serving time. It takes all of 15 seconds to
rinse it off between whatever I'm cutting. If I need to do veggies
that will be served raw after cutting meat, I just rinse it quickly
and turn it over.
