On Sun, 18 Jan 2004 06:49:49 -0600, "Russ Thompson" >
>> One thing the article omitted which I thought was kind of strange. It
>> answered the charge by the PETA folks that deer populations were
>> artificially inflated to enhance the hunting. Is that true, or false?
>> -Rubystars
>*** How would one go about "artificially" inflating the deer population? Do
>you think that deer are being raised in cages and bred for release come
>hunting season? Maybe they are using artificial insemination?
No, it's quite simple actually and very cunning.. Pro hunt loons
spread wild stories about the huge numbers of deer and the destruction
they cause, ignorant people then allow them to "reduce" numbers by the
"claimed" best method the hunters suggest, which is to shoot them.
Which in actual fact directly causes the deer populations to rebound
to higher birth rates then they would normally achieve to compensate,
until in the end we have deer sustaining huge population increases
because the hunters have ensured it is so.
To actually maintain a manageable population of wildlife, non lethal
intervention is required and birth control is one of many methods used
very successfully.
and then look at one non lethal, highly successfully method of real
wildlife management.
The simple fact is, asking hunting groups to get involved in genuine
conservation is like ask Ronnie Biggs to look after the collection
There are even many charities who claim to protect wildlife, like the
RSPB, Woodland Trust etc who are in bed with the hunters and earn
great profit from harvesting wild animals for shoots.
Time we woke up to the reality and asked ourselves, just how many
centuries does it take to "manage" populations by shooting them,
before someone says, hang on, this is not working!
'You can't win 'em all.'
Lord Haw Haw.
Since I stopped donating money to CONservation hooligan charities
Like the RSPB, Woodland Trust and all the other fat cat charities
I am in the top 0.801% richest people in the world.
There are 5,951,930,035 people poorer than me
If you're really interested I am the 48,069,965
richest person in the world.
And I'm keeping the bloody lot.
So sue me.
Newsgroup ettiquette
1) Tell everyone the Trolls don't bother you.
2) Say you've killfiled them, yet continue to respond.
3) Tell other people off who repsond despite doing so yourself.
4) Continually talk about Trolls while maintaining
they're having no effect.
5) Publicly post killfile rules so the Trolls know
how to avoid them.
6) Make lame legal threats and other barrel scraping
manoeuvres when your abuse reports are ignored.
7) Eat vast quantities of pies.
8) Forget to brush your teeth for several decades.
9) Help a demon.local poster with their email while
secretly reading it.
10) Pretend you're a hard ******* when in fact you're
as bent as a roundabout.
11) Become the laughing stock of Usenet like Mabbet
12) Die of old age
13) Keep paying Dr Chartham his fees and hope one day you
will have a penis the girls can see.
"If you would'nt talk to them in a bar, don't *uckin' vote for them"
"Australia was not *discovered* it was invaded"
The Big Yin.