Sky wrote:
> Over the past few years, I've accumulated a small collection of wooden &
> bamboo cutting boards. As such, I now have a dilemma (well, not
> really). My counters are getting 'covered' with the cutting boards, and
> I'd rather store them somehow, although not in any cabinet. So, I
> wondered, how does everyone here in RFC-land store their cutting
> boards? I've thought of some sort of 'letter holder thingy' to hold
> them upright might be nice? Any suggestions? TIA.
> Sky
> --
> Ultra Ultimate Kitchen Rule - Use the Timer!
> Ultimate Kitchen Rule -- Cook's Choice
Thanks to everyone for their replies and suggestions! I appreciate them
all very much. I found it interesting that a lot of other people in
RFC-land use the "letting holder thingies" (or file folder thingies) to
keep their cutting boards upright instead of horizontal on a counter or
cabinet surface.
I particularly like the idea of a dowel-rod holder that Nexis/Kimberly
mentioned - that probably is much more attractive than some other
alternatives. I also think hanging the cutting boards on the wall might
be a good option, but since my kitchen walls were just repaired and
painted, I'm rather hesitant to poke holes in it at the moment (that
won't last long!). Some very 'yoogly' wallpaper had to be removed -
remember that interior flood I suffered at the New Year???. Thanks to
Mark for mentioning there might be a concern about mold and mildew if
cutting boards are hung on a wall - otherwise I never would've have
known that could be a potential problem.
Thanks again folks
Sky, who now has some really good ideas <G>
Ultra Ultimate Kitchen Rule - Use the Timer!
Ultimate Kitchen Rule -- Cook's Choice