Crepe Suzettes
Greg Esres wrote:
> First time I've tried this. Used Julia Child's recipe.
> On the positive side, I was thrilled at how easy it was to flip a
> crepe. I expected it to go flying across the kitchen, but it
> practically flipped itself. Makes you feel like a real cook! The
> recipe said I've should have been able to make 6 or 7 crepes, but I
> was only able to get 4, which makes me think mine were a bit thick.
> Mine were about 1/16 of inch thick and I have a hard time believing
> they should be even thinner. I guess I've never seen a real crepe up
> close.
I have not seen JC's crepes Suzette recipe but the recipes I have used
usually yield at least two dozen. I like to make a bunch of crepes ahead
of time and then freeze the extras.
> On the negative side, Julia didn't offer any advice about the
> temperature for the flambe pan, in which butter and sugar were being
> heated. I chose medium, which was a mistake. While dredging the
> crepes in the melted butter, the butter started turning
> brown...rapidly. By the time I had finished lighting off the Cognac,
> the crepes were a bit burned on the bottom, which obviously detracted
> from the flavor.
It has been a while since I made them but I seem to recall preparing the
butter and sugar with orange juice, orange zest and a squeeze of lemon
juice and then taking it off the heat for the dredging and folding part.
Every time I have made them they have turned out very well.