Cucumber salad recipe for Andy
"Margaret Suran" schrieb :
> ChattyCathy wrote:
>> On Tue, 20 May 2008 05:10:23 -0400, Stan Horwitz wrote:
>> Thanks, this sounds like it's worth a shot.
> Don't use English Cucumbers. The vinegar makes the thin slices mushy if there
> is left over salad.
> After slicing the cukes, most people let them rest until they release some of
> the liquid, which can be drained or even squeezed out by hand.
> As for the sweeteners, I use a pinch of sugar(about 1/4 teaspoon or less) for
> four large cucumbers and just enough white vinegar to cover the sliced
> vegetables. If that is too acidy, a little water may be added.
> I do not use carrots, but do use onions or scallions, as well as salt, if
> needed and freshly ground black pepper.
> This is the Viennese way to make Gurkensalat.
Other Austrian ways :
Cucumber salad
(serves 4)
Marinade :
2 tbl spoons wine vinegar
1 tbl spoon water
2 tbl spoons oil
1/2 tea spoon sugar
2 cucumbers, peeled and finely sliced
1/2 a clove of garlic, pressed
powdered paprika
Mix cucumber slices with salt and garlic.
Cover and let rest for 30 minutes.
Drain water.
Mix with marinade, sprinkle with powdered paprika and serve.
Cucumber salad with cream
(serves 4)
2 cucumbers, peeled and finely sliced
1/2 a clove of garlic, pressed
1/8 litre sour cream
white pepper
dill, finely chopped
Mix sour cream with pepper and dill.
Mix cucumber slices with salt and garlic.
Cover and let rest for 30 minutes.
Drain water.
Add the sour cream mix.
Michael Kuettner