Paul's questions are the right ones.
What you want to make, how you want to make it, how much of it you want
to make, where you are, and how likely are you to stick with for many
years or just to try it.
You could go as sparse as a kit wine, a carboy or two, an airlock, a
siphon hose, some chemicals.
Alternatively you might be more inclined to make larger quantities of
wine from fresh grapes. In which case, you would need some type of
crusher / destemmer; a press; a fermenting vessel (ranging from a larg
plastic bucket to barrels, bins, or stainless tanks); some aging
vessels (ranging from carboys to stainless tanks to oak barrels); some
laboratory set up, some racking hardware, etc ...
In other words, there are a lot of variables - depending on your plans
per those questions.
A good place for supplies, and also for good info and advice, is
MoreWine ...
On 2008-05-18 23:38:43 -0700, Tager > said:
> Just joined the group. I'm interested in buying equipment to make my
> own wine. I'm not afraid to spend some money (perhaps a few thousand
> but no more than that) but don't know what's out there. Any
> suggestions? I'm looking to get the whole setup