Some advice please even if it's OT
BD wrote on Tue, 20 May 2008 04:37:23 GMT:
> "James Silverton" > wrote in
> message news:1AIWj.2595$0h.1531@trnddc02...
>> Hello All!
>> I like beer (to drink not to make) but I don't seem to be
>> able to find a ng that is reasonably active. Has anyone some
>> suggestions? Most I've looked at have about 3 posts each
>> month. I did not look at home-brewing groups.
>> --
>> James Silverton
>> Potomac, Maryland
> INHO the best beer, Dogfish Head 90 minute IPA, made in
> Delaware
I agree; a lot of Dogfish Head beers are good tho' they tend to
be on the expensive side and sometimes plain weird like, (what
was it?) King Midas Beer! San Francisco Anchor Steam Beer is
good too if expensive around here.
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
E-mail, with obvious alterations: