"dejablues" > wrote in message
> "Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> . ..
>> "TammyM" > wrote
>>> Ahhhh! Perfect! I'll plant next to the bird feeder. Then again, all
>>> I'd have to do is see one of those things in a bird beak and I'd be off
>>> my food for a week....
>> I read recently in a gardening column that they can be aggressive.
>> As if I wasn't already scared to death of them. So I googled
>> hornworm aggressive to see if it was true, and what popped right
>> up, http://www.tammysrecipes.com/tomato_hornworms ... That's
>> not your website, is it, Tammy? heh
> They are aggressive! They rear up on their little legs and wave around! A
> horticulturalist friend of mine said to catch them and grind them up in a
> blender and spray the resulting goo over the tomtatoes to deter other
> hornworms. Uhhh, yah right!
Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Did you REALLY have to tell us that?! ;-)
TammyM, about as green as a dreaded hornw*rm