Some advice please even if it's OT
James Silverton wrote:
> Hello All!
> I like beer (to drink not to make) but I don't seem to be able to find a
> ng that is reasonably active. Has anyone some suggestions? Most I've
> looked at have about 3 posts each month. I did not look at home-brewing
> groups.
Hi James,
I'm not a Bud lite person, so I'm always looking for local/regional brews.
Here in the Midwest, we have the New Glarus Brewing Co. (only available in
Wisconsin). Whenever we cross the border into Wisconsin, we'll pick up
some New Glarus Uff-da (dark), Spotted Cow (Ale), and a few other seasonal
brews. If no other good beers are available, I'll have a properly poured Guinness.
Dick in Minnesota, USA