Some advice please even if it's OT
Dick wrote on Tue, 20 May 2008 13:14:28 -0500:
>> Hello All!
>> I like beer (to drink not to make) but I don't seem to be
>> able to find a ng that is reasonably active. Has anyone some
>> suggestions? Most I've looked at have about 3 posts each
>> month. I did not look at home-brewing groups.
> Hi James,
> I'm not a Bud lite person, so I'm always looking for
> local/regional brews. Here in the Midwest, we have the New
> Glarus Brewing Co. (only available in Wisconsin). Whenever we
> cross the border into Wisconsin, we'll pick up some New Glarus
> Uff-da (dark), Spotted Cow (Ale), and a few other seasonal
> brews. If no other good beers are available, I'll have a
> properly poured Guinness.
I've appreciated some of those and I like Guinness too. I'm
perhaps a heretic there since I prefer bottled Guinness Export
to draft Guinness :-)
James Silverton
Potomac, Maryland
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