no, gramma.
i didn't deal with great gramma she had voices in her head... civil war
crap and the spanish americano thing and she had a helluva crush on teddy
roosevelt, felt that was uber creepy and her main diet was medications and
going on about how 'nationalizing' money was the fall of our empire as we
know it!
"yazah" > wrote in message
> On 2007-10-24 13:21:16 -0400, "get their hopes up, then mow them down"
> > said:
>> On Oct 23, 6:02 pm, RipeNJuicy > wrote:
>>> I just saw the thread below on another documentary. It's sooo great to
>>> see raw food media!
>>> This one is my favorite so far:
>>> The film is called Supercharge Me and it documents a 30-day raw
>>> journey.
>> in a age where your gramma kept pounding it into your head about
>> eating your veggies....
> Don't you mean 'great-gramma' because convenience foods started showing up
> in the mid-1950s.