Comcast and Usenet problem
In article >, sf <.> wrote:
> On Mon, 19 May 2008 20:04:23 -0700, isw > wrote:
> >I chewed them out not only for not being competent to fix the problem in
> >a timely way, but also because they had *no idea* of when it might be
> >fixed.
> >
> >Then I asked why *anyone* would pay money for telephone service with
> >this kind of reliability.
> If you were getting email and the web, the problem probably wasn't
> just comcast. I think they took the heat though. They subcontract
> with Giganews for Usenet. Giganews is a giant, so if something went
> wrong between two giants, I can't be sure it was human error.
> At least the *kid* I was dealing with had the honesty to admit upfront
> that she didn't know what Usenet was. Sure, *we* scoff at that... but
> the truth is that Usenet is dying. A bazillion unknown people access
> rfc once or twice through a web site (many exist) or some sort of
> "group", but not directly by Usenet. Are you one of them?
If it's me you're asking, well, I've been reading the news -- including
r.f.c -- for 20 years, and never via the "web".