Thread: Fish Mush??
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Sky Sky is offline
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Default Fish Mush??

Janet Wilder wrote:
> What could cause mushy fish? I bought two nice looking flounder fillets
> at he supermarket today. They were "previously frozen" but wild caught
> and seemed firm enough to me when I dipped them in egg wash and breaded
> them up to fry them.
> The oil was hot enough. I tested it with a drop of water. The burner
> temperature was correct and even.
> The bottom of the fillets had browned nicely but when I went to turn
> them, they were mush. I wound up throwing the whole pan full of fillets
> and oil into the trash.
> Any guesses on what caused the fish to turn to mush?
> Texas Janet, scratching her head.
> --
> Janet Wilder
> Bad spelling. Bad punctuation
> Good Friends. Good Life

In addition to what other folks have contributed, I'd suggest that if
this sort of situation should happen again, save the cooked faulty fish
and return it the following day to the store for a refund since the
product was unsatisfactory. That's what I'd be inclined to do,
especially when the rising costs of food and gasoline are considered.
The least the store manager could say is, "no," but I bet that won't be
the case.


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