Spaghetti Pie
On May 23, 4:41*pm, Bobo Bonobo® > wrote:
> On May 23, 10:56*am, weaver615 > wrote:
> > Hers a recipe that I have made MANY times I think you'll like this.
> > It'll also bring us back on topic I hope.
> > CRUST:
> > 6oz. spaghetti
> > 1/3 cup grated Parmesan Cheese
> > 2 Tbsp. Butter or Margarine
> > Check out my Blog at
> So "old fashioned" (in other words, out of date) that the recipe has
> "Margarine" in it.
> What 1950s women's magazine did you steal it out of?
> --Bryan
OBVIOUSLY....You can't read. The recipe calls for BUTTER OR
MARGARINE....and it's my twist on my aunts recipe which uses lasagna
noodles for the shut your PIE HOLE if you can't read a
recipe and comment NICELY about it....GOD I hope your wife does the
cooking in your home, you'd prolly mix DRANO with Granulated Sugar and
and kill everyone.......HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!!