Low fat low fiber vegetarian diet
Dreck wrote:
>>You really do need to get advice from a professional dietician
> Which rules out your earlier advice to eat meat
> then, doesn't it?
My advice is consistent with what a nutritionist would offer under the
circumstances of iron deficiency and diabetes gastroparesis.
Nevertheless, I said:
I appreciate the fact you like animals, but your health should
come first. You will get too much fiber on a veg-n diet, unless
you eat very, very small meals. Even then you will probably have
to eat some meat to be healthy. Do you want to be healthy?
You really do need to get advice from a professional dietician,
not from a bunch of vegans. You need professional guidance, and
this just isn't the place to get it. You are clearly in a very
bad way between your diabetes, gastroparesis, iron deficiency,
and Lord knows what else is going on with your body.
I did not say, "Go eat meat." I said she would *probably* have to eat some.
>>You need professional guidance, and this just isn't
>>the place to get it.
> Then why advise this person to eat meat?
Did I, or are you just as obtuse as ever?
> Since
> your joining up with the meatarians in these
> vegan and animal related groups you've become
> a typical disinformationist along with them.
You're right. It's easier to snip away and misquote others like you do
than it is to be honest.