Pennyaline wrote:
> Mark A.Meggs wrote:
> > On Sat, 24 May 2008 19:11:39 -0600, Arri London >
> > wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> Landers wrote:
> >>> Is there any way that someone who is allergic to folic acid can
> >>> dilute this acid additive? This person uses powered milk from Walmart
> >>> which has folic acid added as an apparent preservative. I have read
> >>> that soda neutralizes acid, but putting baking soda in milk doesn't
> >>> sound very good. Possibly a little would be ok. Would appreciate
> >>> some thoughts on this.
> >>>
> >>> Thanks.
> >> Since folic acid is an essential nutrient, not likely that the person is
> >> allergic to it. Otherwise this person would be quite ill all the time.
> >
> > Instead of unfounded speculation and thinking that you know better
> > than the person's doctors, you could actually take a minute to do a
> > little research.
> >
> > From ...
> <snip>
To previous poster: Been doing biochemical research for years LOL.
Thanks for the advice...
> Instead of running off at the mouth (or at the fingers in this case),
> you could actually take a minute to clarify that most of the research
> into folic acid allergy regards synthetic folate and not naturally
> occuring folate.
That's it exactly. A diet completely free of natural folates (which
would be indicated if someone was *genuinely* allergic) would be quite
difficult and probably result in malnutrition fairly quickly.
> You might also mention that the OP was referring to folic acid as though
> it was the "acid additive" that was the problem, one that could be
> corrected by adding a little base to neutralize it.
Someone who is allergic to any essential nutrient would be ill all the
time, not just after eating something with a synthetic form in it.