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Kiss-The-CooK.110mb Kiss-The-CooK.110mb is offline
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Posts: 53
Default I see now ! You Feel Threatened By Noobs

On May 26, 2:01*pm, "Kiss-The-CooK.110mb" >
> I have read through a fair bit of the past two weeks of posts to this
> group now. I understand now why you people are so scared of new
> members...You people are idiots.
> You are actually scared that someone like me, a Proffesional Chef,
> will come along and show you up for what you are...
> What sort of person would actually state on a public COOKING chat
> site, that they use POWDERED onion ??? Or for that matter, packet
> anything ??? LOL.
> You people are a bunch of wannabes...You wannabe a Chef, but alas you
> arn't even a Cook's fart!!
> I am speachless...One of you clowns actually bragged about putting
> some butter on some beans...I bet my left testicle that they were
> canned or frozen beans!!
> Wannabes...bloody wannabes !

Bugger...I forgot my "spam"...
That's better, now I will be able to sleep.