airbake, cooking stone??
On Sun 25 May 2008 09:46:09p, Linda told us...
> "Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Linda" > wrote
>>> I literally have no idea what an airbake sheet is. What do they look
>>> like? How do they work. Would they be available in Australia? Does it
>>> stop burning?
>> It's a cookie sheet that has 2 layers of metal with air in between.
>> Wearever makes them, I imagine other companies have a similar product.
> How does that prevent burning??
The thin layer of air insulates the top surface and retards overbrowning.
Actually, I get the same results by nesting two baking sheets together, and
I bake all my cookies this way.
Wayne Boatwright
Sunday, 05(V)/25(XXV)/08(MMVIII)
Countdown till Memorial Day
2hrs 5mins
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what I say?