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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default I see now ! You Feel Threatened By Noobs

On Sun, 25 May 2008 21:44:05 -0700 (PDT), "Kiss-The-CooK.110mb"
> wrote:

>On May 26, 2:27*pm, Wayne Boatwright >
>> On Sun 25 May 2008 09:01:26p, Kiss-The-CooK.110mb told us...

>> You are hardly "speachless". *You can't seem to keep your ****ing mouth
>> shut. *And I was hardly "bragging" about putting some butter on some beans. *
>> I merely described what I had for dinner. *Have you never buttered beans
>> before? *Some ****ing "chef" you are.

>So, YOU also mentioned putting butter on beans ?? Who said I was
>talking about you? Feeling guilty are you, wannabe?
>It is "bugger off" what sort of idiot says "bugger on" ?
>You want me to keep my "****ing mouth" shut? There is only one person
>here with a "****ing mouth" and that would be the
>sthalor...boatwright ?...ship wreck more like it...shirt lifter!

I've never seen Wayne so uncivil to a total nutcase (he usually gives
the benefit of the doubt) - but truth be told, nobody cares what you
think. Continue your current level of foaming at the mouth blather
and you'll earn your way into a lot of kill files by Tuesday.

I bet you didn't even find this group on real usenet. You arrived via
one of those sites on the internet that mirrors our content,
pretending to have a lot of contributors.

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