Stan Horwitz said...
> In article >, Andy <q> wrote:
>> For the record I was an American cheesesteak addict.
>> Pats doesn't even use Amoroso rolls which is just one of several reasons
>> why they suck!
>> I can get the best cheesesteak a few minutes into Media. And I did, just
>> the other day.
>> Cheez whiz is just a Philly joke cheese option for tourists.
> Yup, and some visitors just have no clue. I was walking around the
> campus of Sanford University in California a few years ago around noon
> when I got hungry. Just as I got hungry, I passed by a student cafeteria
> with a sign out front that said "special of the day: Philly cheesesteak"
> so I went against my better judgement and I walked in, asked if visitors
> could eat there, then I ordered one.
> What I got was a lightly toasted french baguette sliced horizontally. It
> had slices of some kind of meat on it, some sauteed green peppers and
> onions ... and a few chunks of pineapple, with some american cheese. The
> sandwich was an abomination only because it was advertised as a Philly
> cheeesteak, but at least it was very tasty.
Toasted french baguette? That's two strikes right there!
Calling it a Philly Cheesesteak is strike three! Still, I'd try one!