I see now ! You Feel Threatened By Noobs
On May 26, 9:03*am, maxine in ri > wrote:
> On May 26, 8:47 am, Bobo Bonobo® > wrote:
> > On May 25, 11:01 pm, "Kiss-The-CooK.110mb"
> > > wrote:
> > > I have read through a fair bit of the past two weeks of posts to this
> > > group now. I understand now why you people are so scared of new
> > > members...You people are idiots.
> > I don't think anyone is scared, and newbies are treated well as long
> > as they don't come in trying to sell something.
> > > You are actually scared that someone like me, a Proffesional Chef,
> > > will come along and show you up for what you are...
> > > What sort of person would actually state on a public COOKING chat
> > > site, that they use POWDERED onion ??? Or for that matter, packet
> > > anything ??? LOL.
> > I agree there. *Here you'll find all kinds of crappy ingredients.
> > > You people are a bunch of wannabes...You wannabe a Chef, but alas you
> > > arn't even a Cook's fart!!
> > Very few of us aspire to be chefs.
> > > I am speachless...One of you clowns actually bragged about putting
> > > some butter on some beans...I bet my left testicle that they were
> > > canned or frozen beans!!
> > Better "butter" than the "butter or margarine" that folks leave in the
> > pirated recipes that they post.
> > > Wannabes...bloody wannabes !
> > > LOL
> > Welcome. *You have the potential of being disliked by more folks that
> > I am.
> > Try to be balanced though. *There are many posts that deserve praise,
> > as well as those that deserve ridicule.
> > --Bryan
> Aw, Bryan, not that many people dislike you. *Only the ones who've
> KF'd you<g>
> maxine in ri, so innofensive that only the google-kf'ers don't see
> me<g>
> wheak
Thing is, folks who approve of hydrogenated oils, and to a lesser
extent Velveeta, condensed "cream of" soups, Durkee or French's
onions, etc. as ingredients, heck, I don't blame them for disliking
me. I'm mean to them, and insult them, and it's not even accompanied
by cool music.