Cheesecake Plea
On Tue 27 May 2008 09:17:33p, Serene told us...
> Wayne Boatwright wrote:
>> I have lots of nice cheesecake recipes that produce creamy firm
>> cheesecakes, but I'm lookinig for a cheesecake from "out of the past".
>> My mother loved cheesecake and would order it at a long gone
>> restaurant. The cheesecake was quite dry in texture, almost crumbly.
>> I've tried recipes that use cheeses other than cream cheese; e.g.,
>> ricotta, farmer's cheese, cottage cheese, etc., but haven't hit on the
>> combination that creates that texture.
> Sounds like my mother's new york italian cheesecake. I'll try to get
> her recipe from her in the next day or so, and post it.
> Serene
Thank you, Serene. I would really appreciate that, and would like to try
Wayne Boatwright
Tuesday, 05(V)/27(XXVII)/08(MMVIII)
No, I'm from Iowa. I only work in
Outer Space.