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Tamzen Cannoy[_2_] Tamzen Cannoy[_2_] is offline
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Default A burr coffee grinder question

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itsjoannotjoann > wrote:

> I've looked at some old posts here and don't see this addressed and
> I've looked at some burr coffee grinders and I do have a question,
> please.
> Are there any burr coffee grinders that the ground coffee is actually
> dispensed into a resealable bowl/jar? Or are they all the type where
> the coffee is ground on top of the machine and then you have to dump
> it into a resealable jar? The big commercial grinders like you see in
> the grocery stores the beans are dumped in the top, the bag is placed
> under the spout at the bottom and ground beans are dispensed into your
> bag. That's what I would like to have in my kitchen but of course in
> a home grinder size.
> Is there such a machine?

There might be but I've never seen such a thing. The purpose of having a
home burr grinder is to never grind more than you need for the pot of
coffee you are making that instant. Coffee starts to go stale very very
quickly after it is ground. People who enjoy coffee enough to purchase a
high end grinder want it as fresh as possible.