Cheesecake Plea
Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> I have lots of nice cheesecake recipes that produce creamy firm cheesecakes,
> but I'm lookinig for a cheesecake from "out of the past". My mother loved
> cheesecake and would order it at a long gone restaurant. The cheesecake was
> quite dry in texture, almost crumbly. I've tried recipes that use cheeses
> other than cream cheese; e.g., ricotta, farmer's cheese, cottage cheese,
> etc., but haven't hit on the combination that creates that texture.
> Any ideas?
Here's my mom's recipe, which she took the trouble to type out,
which I think was awesome of her since she doesn't type:
[Joan Vannoy's]
Foolproof Cheese Cake:
Cookie Crust:
Cream 2/3 cup sugar and 2/3 cup butter or margarine
mix in one egg and 1¾ cup flour
using a spatula coat the bottom and ¾ up the sides of
a springform pan
bake 5minutes at 425°
Cream 3 (I use four because I like a solid cake) 8oz.
packages of softened cream cheese with 3/4 cup sugar
add 1 tsp. vanilla and 3 eggs (one at a time)
mix in 2 Tbs milk and 2 Tbs flour
Pour in baked crust and bake 10 minutes at 425°
Turn oven down to 250°, bake 30 minutes
Cool down, then cover with Comstock blueberry or
cherry pie filling