You can change the post name to anything you want...fool !!!
blake murphy wrote:
> On Tue, 27 May 2008 19:14:54 -0700 (PDT), "Kiss-The-CooK.110mb"
> > wrote:
>> A person comes along and finds this "newsgroup". They then open a web
>> site and install some forum script and a newsgroup reader and feed
>> YOUR comments directly into their brand new forum. They now have a
>> brand new web site forum fully stocked up with real life
>> content...Content that MILLIONS of people are looking for. They then
>> put some PPC ads up or even affilate ads and bingo...They use the
>> FREE high quality FREE content that YOU give unkowingly FREE to
>> them...and they "get rich quick" as they say!
>> I don't think you would understand the maths behind it, so let me
>> just give you the final figure. The yearly readership of just this
>> "RFC" newsgroup from Forum feeds would be at least 100,000,000 (one
>> hundred million). That would be generating in the order of around 5
>> Billion U.S dollars per an educated guess!
> ...and a hundred million people have read us point out the many ways
> in which you're an idiot. it's truly awesome.
psssssssssst, blake, what is 'forum script? errrr and affiliate ads and