On May 29, 2:29*am, George Cebulka > wrote:
> Kiss-The-CooK.110mb wrote:
> >http://kiss-the-cook.110mb.com/
> What would it take to get you to go away?
> Just curious...
How about an apology.
Or, how about doing what everyone else is threatening to do...and
stick your head in the sand. If you block my posts from being read by
yourself, then only the rest of the entire world will be able to read
both your and my posts and you will only be able to read yours.
Or, you could stick your head in the sand...and change the subject
line on YOUR next reply to this topic. That gets a real big giggle
amongst you usenet people that think changing the subject title makes
the whole thing go away. We in the real world think it so funny a lot
us are laughing our tits off.
Or, you could stick your head in the sand...and on your next reply to
this post you could change my link from -
to something usenet people think is really clever like maybe -
http://www.kiss-my-left-testicle.com/ The result is as above...big
giggles and tits dropping off.
Or, you could pull your head out of the sand and have a look
around...You will notice that sticking your head in the sand does not
make the real world go away...All it does is make you look like an
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