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sf[_3_] sf[_3_] is offline
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Default Favorite internet recipe?

On Wed, 28 May 2008 10:08:00 -0400, Tracy > wrote:

>All this talk about family recipes, and passing things down got me
>thinking about my favorite recipes. My mother was a great cook but she
>didn't use recipes. I, on the other hand, do use recipes which I get
>from various places. I realized that most of what I make comes from
>recipes I found online.


>What's your favorite internet recipe?

If I can find close approximations (fairly easy to do) of recipes I
use, I'll take them and alter them so I don't have to hand type them
into the computer. Actually, I can't think of any recipe I follow
verbatim.... including my own, so it means constant tweaking if I want
a recipe to stay true to me. I'm not that ambitious most of the time,
and there have been times I wish I was.

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