Now for the Reverse Side of the Coin
Nina wrote:
> On Fri, 30 May 2008 19:49:05 -0400, Billy <Hereiam@hotmaildotcom>
> wrote:
>> On Fri, 30 May 2008 19:21:00 -0400, "Virginia Tadrzynski"
>> > wrote:
>>> Being economical, I made 'burgers'
>>> using turkey meat and popped them under the broiler.
>> Your entire store sounds phony as a three dollar bill. Turkey
>> burgers didn't become "fashionable" until the middle/late 90's.
>> But..then again...that is just my observation. Your time line just
>> doesn't jive.
> After all, there's a lot of incentive to make up a story about turkey
> burgers.... so much glory to be had that way!
> Sigh.
> Anyway, ground chicken and turkey were not uncommon in any of the
> place I lived in the 80s. (But of course, I'm probably lying.)
Ground bird meat wasn't even uncommon in the sixties and seventies
folks. Markets had to get rid of the poultry meat when it was getting
close to throw out time. My kids were born in the early to mid-sixties
and got used to eating ground bird in bird burgers. Just ignore the
idiots that post here.