How's this for an invitation
Sky wrote:
> > Current prices for a whole beef tenderloin around her are about $80. The
> > wines turn out to be $20 a piece. My friend was not thrilled. She
> > discussed it with her husband, who said screw that we'll have our own
> > party her for that money. She called back the chef's wife, clarified the
> > date..... ooops sorry. I didn't know that my husband had planned a party
> > for me here on that night so sorry, but we can't make it.
> >
> > The next day she got a call from another neighbour asking if she was
> > attending the party. Our friend said they had been invited but could
> > not attend because her husband was having a party for her. It seems that
> > chef's wife had called the other neighbour after our friend canceled
> > and asked her to bring the two beef tenderloins... and two bottles of
> > wine. So our friend asked the other neighbour if she was going...... no
> > way !!
> >
> > I have to hand to to our friend that she was able to find a nice way to
> > decline the invitation. I am not sure how I would react to an
> > "invitation to a party" that is going to cost me $200. I have no problem
> > with a pot luck, but being expected to supply beef tenderloin for 20
> > people plus $40 worth of wine is a bit much, IMHO.
> No Kidding!!!! Yeesh, some people! To invite someone to a party, then
> to beg for the 'diggles' (high-priced ones too, at that) is a bit beyond
> typical etiquette in my books. I agree - a potluck dinner is one thing,
> but beef tenderloin roasts for 20 is something else!
> Sky, who'd decline also
> P.S. I'm surprised the hostess didn't also request sterling silver
> tableware and lead crystal wine glasses in addition! <VBEG>
> P.P.S. How did your friend find a nice way to decline?
She phoned back to check the date and then said that she didn't realize that
she as sorry but could not make it because her husband was throwing a party
for her that night. And that was true, though the decision for their party was
made later. It seems that chef's wife then called another neighbour and asked
her to bring the things that she had earlier asked our friend to bring. More
nerve than a tooth ache eh.