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T[_1_] T[_1_] is offline
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Default How's this for an invitation

In article >,
> "Dave Smith" > wrote
> > I have to hand to to our friend that she was able to find a nice way to
> > decline the invitation. I am not sure how I would react to an
> > "invitation to a party" that is going to cost me $200. I have no problem
> > with a pot luck, but being expected to supply beef tenderloin for 20
> > people plus $40 worth of wine is a bit much, IMHO.

> You hear stories like this and every time you do it's just as
> incredible. Okay, I think asking to bring the main course is
> weird, but maybe if she'd offered to pay for it? Still. But then,
> telling her what wines to bring?? Hello, pick it up yourself, that
> takes no skill!
> It's good for a laugh if it's not happening to you. I'm glad your
> friend got out of it. Amazing concept, you throw a party and get
> your guests to pay for it *and* do all the work!
> nancy

That's something that doesn't happen with my circle of friends. The only
standing order is that if you don't like something or most things on the
menu then you're welcome to bring a dish of your own.

Otherwise no requirements. Food and wine are provided at the event by us
since we are after all the ones hosting.

Some people just don't understand the concept.