"Janet Wilder" > wrote in message
> Sheldon wrote:
>> On May 30, 2:24?pm, Janet Wilder > wrote:
>>> Here's my first try at 6 braids. I learned from a video I downloaded
>>> that was recommended by someone here on RFC. It was so pretty I had to
>>> take its picture and share it.
>>> http://i32.tinypic.com/n6erft.jpg
>> Not bad.
>> Next time try it a different way... make two braids of three strands
>> each, one longer and thicker, place the smaller braid on top of the
>> larger braid and just press the ends in. Then let it rise. Just
>> prior to baking brush with egg wash and sprinkle with poppy seeds.
> I have been making it that way for more years than I care to remember. I
> wanted to try something different.
>> Do you notice those tears/stretch marks between your strands... that's
>> from excessive oven spring, you didn't allow your loaf to rise long
>> enough before baking. Also next time form your individual strands so
>> they are substantially thicker in the middle, so they taper towards
>> the ends, for traditional braided challah you want to form an oblate/
>> football shaped loaf.
> Gee, I thought 2 hours for the second rise was long enough.
2 hours may have actually been a bit much. You can over-rise bread and get
a cavity that develops under the crust. You did fine. I get those little
stretch marks all the time when I make dinner rolls that I braid. It
doesn't detract at all from the finished product. Though I do like a nice
tall challah and the times I have made it I did abraid on top of a bigger
But yours looks good enough to eat. Perect color too. Baking is so