How's this for an invitation
On Sat 31 May 2008 12:35:15a, Mark Thorson told us...
> Dave Smith wrote:
>> I have to hand to to our friend that she was able to find a nice way
>> to decline the invitation. I am not sure how I would react to an
>> "invitation to a party" that is going to cost me $200. I have no
>> problem with a pot luck, but being expected to supply beef tenderloin
>> for 20 people plus $40 worth of wine is a bit much, IMHO.
> Greater justice would be to agree to it,
> then at the last minute "I've got the flu".
Wayne Boatwright
Saturday, 05(V)/31(XXXI)/08(MMVIII)
It's not for you or I, Carruthers; nor
for the regiment: it's for the Empire.