How's this for an invitation
Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> Serene responded:
>> There's no need to give excuses, especially ones that are easily seen
>> through. It's fine just to say, "Oh, sorry, we won't be able to make it
>> (or "we have other plans that night"). Have a wonderful time!"
> But that *is* an easy-to-reveal excuse unless you plan to abandon your
> house that evening simply to avoid being caught in a lie.
Nonsense. "We have other plans" doesn't say whether the plans are
outside or inside your home. It's not a lie at all, even if your only
other plans are to be as far from that party as possible.
> Why not tell
> the REAL truth? "I'd like to come to your party, but I think it would be
> too much of a burden for me to provide two expensive bottles of wine and
> roasted beef tenderloin for twenty people, most of whom are strangers to
> me."
I might do that for someone I was close to. For a casual acquaintance, I
think a polite "no, thank you" suffices and creates the least drama.