Now for the Reverse Side of the Coin
Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> George wrote:
>> When your grands are small is the time to get revenge on your children
>> for
>> being little pills. I used to give all my grands toy musical instruments
>> that really worked, trumpets, drums, bugles, any thing that made noise.
>> Remember those toddler "lawn mowers", had the little doodads inside a
>> dome
>> that went up and down and made a sort of engine noise. I tried to get a
>> carload deal on those suckers. Our kids got where they would hide when
>> they saw us coming with big packages for their kids.
>> Now we get to do it again for the greatgrands, even more fun.
> I did the same thing for a friend's kid. But better yet, when I got to
> babysit the kid I coached him to say a very special sentence. He was about
> two-and-a-half years old when he and I walked up to his mommy (who was
> standing in line at a pharmacy) and he said, "MOMMY, YOU'RE PRETTY! NICE
> RACK!"
> Bob
Gawd! You're just evil. ROTFLMAO