On May 31, 10:42 pm, (Dick Adams) wrote:
> > wrote:
> > Steve Jackson > wrote:
> >> Dick Adams wrote:
> >>> If the Belgians started brewing Industrial Light
> >>> lagers in Belgium, the Trappist Monks would burn
> >>> them at the stake. 
> >> Um, there aren't many fires around the Stella Artois
> >> brewery (owned by InBev, incidentally).
> > However I am impressed that Dick knew about the
> > Belgium Trappist Brewery.
> Why be impressed by common knowledge?
> > My knowledge came from the Trappistine nuns near by.
> > (see link below) Trappistine nuns from Belgium
> > opened up an American Monastery in Redwoods of Calf.
> I believe he Trappistine nuns make candies, not beer.
> >http://www.whitebeertravels.co.uk/chimay.html
> I didn't notice anything about nuns in the above
> link
> Dick
Each of the Trappistine convents have what is called a "Father
Immediate". That monastery of 'monks' sort of assists their assigned
convent to help them with support of all sorts, sometimes even
physical work, farming etc. The nuns that I met from Belgium, headed
to California, told us that their "Father Immediate" used to give them
beer from their brewery.
Seemed humorous to us that they lucked out with who their father-
immediate was.