Thread: New Coffeemaker
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Jean B.[_1_] Jean B.[_1_] is offline
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Default New Coffeemaker

Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
> Disclaimer: I have absolutely not one cent invested in this company
> and no reason to promote it other than to say...
> Am I the last person on the planet to learn of the Keurig
> coffeemaker?? This thing is *brilliant* It brews single cup coffee so
> you get a fresh cup of coffee every time, you can have a half dozen
> flavors/types of coffee over the course of the day, you don't need
> running water to clean the thing out (okay, the k-cups ain't cheap,
> but...) and the DH and I (and the boss and I) don't have to
> figuratively arm wrestle as to who gets their choice of coffee that
> day. Well, actually, I don't drink much coffee-coffee, but I do like
> mochas, tea and hot chocolate, all of which this little beauty can
> produce both before and after the DH (and the boss) have made their
> coffee-coffee. It even does a fairly acceptable espresso (no crema,
> but pretty tasty, anyway).
> First bought one for the office. We don't have running water and
> cleaning out the coffee pot meant using the building's restroom sinks,
> which just grossed me out. We do have a water cooler, so this gizmo is
> just the ticket for the office. When I talked it up to the DH, he
> buzzed around to my office to try it out, then immediately ordered one
> for home. He's now ordered another one for his office. He's the only
> one in his office who drinks coffee, but says that after 2 hours, you
> may as well throw it out. His (law) partner and her trustee's
> assistant both like hot cocoa, so we seem to have a winner here, too.
> This is just too cool for school!
> The downside: all 3 of us now drink about 200% more coffee-coffee,
> mochas, tea and hot chocolate than *ever* before. The upside: we are
> very, very alert!
> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd

I got my Keurig coffeemaker a few months ago and LOVE it! I, too, am
drinking MUCH more coffee--at least twice as much caffeinated and also
1-2 cups of decaf. It is so much fun finding the coffees you like, and
also being able to make different coffees as the mood strikes.

That being said, I won't use the cocoa, didn't even use the one that
came with the maker, because I don't like the ingredients.

Right now I am just finishing up a cup of Green Mountain's Dark Magic,
my new favorite. Previously I was drinking Diedrich's French Roast
combined with either Green Mountain's Sumatran Reserve or, preferably,
Coffee People's Organic. I have yet to find the perfect decaf.

Jean B.