My First Six-Braid Challah
Sheldon wrote:
> On Jun 1, 6:11�pm, "Jean B." > wrote:
>> Speaking of rye bread, I saw rye Triscuits yesterday. �Has anyone tried
>> them? �I was also surprised to �see the "original" Triscuits are now
>> triangular. �I wonder how much more THEY are per bite--the rising price
>> of ingredients and transportation aside?
> Everything is expensive nowadays. Rye bread is easy to bake... slice
> thin and bake slices in your oven to make rye melba toasts... if
> you're not watching calories dot with butter and sprinkle with
> seasoned salt... will cost a lot less than Triscuits and will taste
> better too.
I SHOULD watch calories, but... Yes, this is all true.
Jean B.