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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default Huffy & Bubbles Do France - Day 2, Chartre, Chambord, Amboise

Pics posted.

Coming to you for the lovely Novotel in Amboise. Great view.
Restaurant area is lovely - lots of glass windows overlooking lots of
pretty green grass and a castle.

From my post to my website:
Dinner aboard Air France Flight Number 39 was served shortly after
takeoff:* Champagne, barley salad with cilantro and tuna, bread and
butter, chicken fricassee with mustard accompanied by mashed potatoes
with spinach folded in, red or white white wine, camembert, chocolate
pudding, and chocolate brownie with dehydrated banana chips on top, and
coffee or tea.* It was nice.* Metal flatware and glass wine glass
instead of plastic and plastic.* The pear liqueuer after dinner was very
nice, too. *


OK, I'm running out of steam here....
Just returned from dinner in our hotel.* It was very nice:* sliced pork
tenderloin, haricots verts, pommes with chunky cheese mixed in, and a
slice of eggplant with a tomato sauce on top.

-Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ
Huffy and Bubbles Do France: