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Giusi[_2_] Giusi[_2_] is offline
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Default Huffy & Bubbles Do France - Day 2, Chartre, Chambord, Amboise

"Melba's Jammin'" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Pics posted.
> Coming to you for the lovely Novotel in Amboise. Great view.
> Restaurant area is lovely - lots of glass windows overlooking lots of
> pretty green grass and a castle.
> From my post to my website:
> Dinner aboard Air France Flight Number 39 was served shortly after
> takeoff: Champagne, barley salad with cilantro and tuna, bread and
> butter, chicken fricassee with mustard accompanied by mashed potatoes
> with spinach folded in, red or white white wine, camembert, chocolate
> pudding, and chocolate brownie with dehydrated banana chips on top, and
> coffee or tea. It was nice. Metal flatware and glass wine glass
> instead of plastic and plastic. The pear liqueuer after dinner was very
> nice, too.
> And
> -Barb, Mother Superior, HOSSSPoJ

If Paris is in your plans I have no hesitation in recommending "L'Ambassade
de'Auvergne" which is not very far from Place des Vosges on the Arts et
Metiers direction. The star dish I think is the warm lentil salad big
enough to serve the whole table and good enough to recreate and share with
the world. I did not liuke the famous mashed potatoes with cheese, nor the
pot au feu, but the rest of the food was terrific and it wasn't expensive
(for Paris.)