Pringles and death
Phideaux wrote:
> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> 3.184...
>> On Mon 02 Jun 2008 09:20:32p, Serene Vannoy told us...
>>> Gregory Morrow wrote:
>>>> notbob wrote:
>>>>> On 2008-06-02, modom (palindrome guy) > wrote:
>>>>>> "CINCINNATI - The man who designed the Pringles potato crisp
>>>>>> packaging system was so proud of his accomplishment that a portion of
>>>>>> his ashes has been buried in one of the iconic cans."
>>>>> That explains it. I just happened to buy, for the first time in
>>>>> literally decades, a can of Pringles, bbq, no less. Tastes like
>>>>> something died.
>>>> Ya shoulda tried that non - fat version they had a few years
>>>> gave Sal Hepatica and Ex - Lax a "run" for it's money...gads...!!!
>>>> Whatever happened to that non - fat substitute [I forget it's name], it
>>>> seems to have disappeared pretty fast...
>>> Olestra. Yeah, the "food product" whose motto should've been, "You
>>> *will* shit yourself."
>>> Serene
>> For some reason I'm complete immune to those effects of Olestra.
>> However,
>> there is an artificial sweetner (can't remember which one) that will
>> certainly do that to me every time I eat candy that contains it.
>> Might be
>> Sorbitol, but I'm not sure.
> Does "Erythritol" ring a bell? It makes me fart nonstop for several
> hours everytime I ingest it.
> Phideaux
I am thinking she means maltitol. I guess ?lactitol? is also renowned
for ill effects. Ugh to both. I love erythritol!
Jean B.